This month we are featuring our adorable little friend Sydney! We first met Sydney in September when she was almost four months old. At that point, she was comfortable doing some tummy time, but we showed her parents Danielle and Matt ways to make it a little easier by getting her weight back off her chest a bit. We also showed them how to help her roll over and support her in sitting with good alignment. After their first Babies On The MOVE class, they signed up for a three-month series of classes. At her next class, we could see how much stronger Sydney was getting! She was doing really well on her tummy, propping on her arms and lifting them up off the floor. Not only could she lift her head really well on her tummy, but she was also lifting it really well when she was lying on her sides and when she was lying on her back! Her parents held her in sitting with great alignment, just as they had learned in class. At the class the following month, she was able to sit without them holding on to her, just being there for when she lost her balance! We taught her parents things to encourage when she was on her tummy to help her work towards crawling. In the last class of their three class series, Sydney was starting to move onto her tummy from sitting all by herself! She had good balance when her parents held her supported in standing, using techniques we taught them to keep her from going up on her toes. Sydney was also starting to move towards getting on her hands and knees by moving over the sides is sitting. By the time we saw Sydney next, she was crawling all over and pulling up to standing on furniture! We gave her parents ideas of things to help her be more stable on her feet and get her on her way to walking. We can't believe this sweet little girl is going to be walking all over the place in the next few months!
“Babies on the Move has been such a great experience for our family. Sydney is our first child and I’m sure as most first time parents we fly by the seat of our pants. Even with my ABA background and understanding of developmental milestones, I was in uncharted territory when it came to helping Sydney with her motor development. Rebecca and Rachel do such a great job, explaining and training the parents on how to help their children develop their mobility while having fun at the same time. Each month Sydney seemed to be emerging into the next motor milestone, and after going to class and working with Rebecca and Rachel she developed more confidence in her ability to meet those milestones. It was just incredible to see. They also helped my husband and I feel more confident and capable with our ability to help Sydney grow. We would recommend these classes to every parent, first time or veterans!”