Feature Baby: Nora


We are excited to announce our next feature baby -- Nora!  We first met Nora and her mother Johanna at Baby + Co's new mom's group.  She and Nora's father Vince signed her up for her first Mini Movers series when she was not yet 3 months old.  Nora became a pro at tummy time and was learning how to sit and take weight for standing during that three-month series.  She started her next series the following month, and soon had mastered sitting and became mobile on her tummy, switching over to Master Movers by the final class in that series!  She has a few more Master Movers classes under her belt now, and last time we saw her, she was crawling, pulling up to stand, and starting to stand without support!  It's only a matter of time before this little one is taking off walking independently!!  
